Hi everyone: hope you're all hanging in there and are healthy, well and safe.
We are plugging along. It's an insanely difficult time for small businesses but thanks to your support and friendship - and the encouragement and enthusiasm of our wonderful employees - we're looking forward to the happy day when the doors to the store and gallery can open (in the most safe and careful way, of course.)
In the meantime, we are heartsick for the organizations and businesses that are being stretched to their limit. One in particular is the Atlanta Community Food Bank which has seen its capacity to feed our city tripled and quadrupled in the past six weeks.
Please help us support the ACFB, if you can. We're trying something a little new, a little different and kinda fun: an Instagram art auction. With the endorsement of our very generous gallery artists, we'll be uploading a selection of paintings on our new Instagram account, @huffharringtonauction, with a minimum bid indicated.
Here's how it works - it's easy!
- Bidding starts this coming Friday, May 1 at 9 a.m. and ends on Tuesday, May 5. Check each painting for the time its bidding closes.
- The minimum bid is 50% of the retail price
- If the painting gets your heart racing and you'd like to bid, simply type your bid into the comments section.
- If you're the winner, we'll direct message you the good news. We'll send you a link for payment, which you can do over your phone or computer. We can either ship you the painting or arrange for pick up at the gallery, if you're local.
- Any dollars above the opening bid will be donated to the Atlanta Community Food Bank. So easy, so fun - and such a great way to help one of our essential community services.
Take a peek of a few of the beauties we're auctioning in this first round:

Melissa Payne Baker, Embrace, 40 x 40, mixed media.
Retail: $2,800. Opening bid: $1,400.
Wondering how it might look on a wall?

We're looking forward to having some fun with this and hope you do too. It's a great way to support a wonderful and necessary community organization that does so much for so many.
We think brighter days are coming soon. And we mean it when we say we really, really can't wait to see your faces again at the store and the gallery.
Ta ta.