
256 products
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Katherine Warinner - Composition 703 A - 34 x 34
Nancy Franke - Dancing Stars (20 x 20)
Allison Chambers - Rollin In (36 x 24)
Brook Soss - Hit the Off Switch (36 x 36)
Allison Chambers - Belle Femmes (30 x 30)
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Colleen Leach - Dream State (16 x 48)
Colleen Leach - Dream State (16 x 48)
Sale price$2,400.00 USD
Katherine Warinner - Phyllotaxis 43 (34.5 x 34.5)
Katherine Warinner - Phyllotaxis 34 (34.5 x 34.5)
Katherine Warinner - Phyllotaxis 8 (34.5 x 34.5)
Heritage - Raymond Debieve Still Life with Gray Table and Figs
Katherine Warinner - Aston (24 x 24) Katherine Warinner - Aston (24 x 24)
Katherine Warinner - Aston (24 x 24)
Sale price$2,370.00 USD
Katherine Warinner - Abbe (24 x 24) Katherine Warinner - Abbe (24 x 24)
Katherine Warinner - Abbe (24 x 24)
Sale price$2,370.00 USD
Colleen Leach - Tacos on Tuesdays (29 x 23)
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Geri Eubanks - Pose IV (24 x 18) Geri Eubanks - Pose IV (24 x 18)
Geri Eubanks - Pose IV (24 x 18)
Sale price$2,300.00 USD
Lisa Weiss - Land & Sea (38 x 35.5)
Lisa Weiss - Land & Sea (38 x 35.5)
Sale price$2,300.00 USD
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Lesley Powell - Paris, Pont and Conciergerie (24 x 24)
Lesley Powell - View to Sacre Coeur (24 x 24)
Ginny Williams - One Day at a Time (16 x 16)
Heritage - Portrait of Gigi (29 x 22)
Heritage - Portrait of Gigi (29 x 22)
Sale price$2,200.00 USD
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Melissa Payne Baker - Whisper (36 x 36)
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Heritage - Sitting Pretty by Raymond Debieve (22 x 17.5)
Millie Gosch - River's Edge Morning (16 x 20)
Elizabeth Stockton - Cast (22 x 15)
Elizabeth Stockton - Cast (22 x 15)
Sale price$2,200.00 USD
Elizabeth Stockton - Sinuous (22 x 15)
Jessica Pisano - In a Pearlescent Sky III (22 x 22)
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Heritage - Daisy by Michel Debieve (19.5 x 12.5)
Andrea Costa - Extraordinary Day (36 x 24)
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Justin Kellner - They're Not All the Same (Cedar Waxwing) (48 x 20)
Justin Kellner - Good Things Do Come to Stay, or Go (Blackpoll Warbler) (48 x 20)
Shirley Lewis - Wollblume (40 x 40)
Shirley Lewis - Wollblume (40 x 40)
Sale price$2,100.00 USD
Amy Dixon - Chandelier Soft (28 x 20)
Amy Dixon - Chandelier Soft (28 x 20)
Sale price$2,100.00 USD
Amy Dixon - Perrenials Provence (28 x 20)
Elizabeth Stockton - Aquamarine I - 30 x 22
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Lisa Weiss - Rasa Series VI
Lisa Weiss - Rasa Series VI
Sale price$2,100.00 USD
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Lisa Weiss - Rasa Series V
Lisa Weiss - Rasa Series V
Sale price$2,100.00 USD
Lisa Weiss - Rasa Series I
Lisa Weiss - Rasa Series I
Sale price$2,100.00 USD
Lisa Weiss - Middle Path Series IV (40 x 30)
Lisa Weiss - Middle Path Series III (40 x 30)
Lisa Weiss - Middle Path Series II (40 x 30)
Lisa Weiss - Middle Path Series I (40 x 30)-RESERVED
Heritage - Seated Nude (29 x 24)
Heritage - Seated Nude (29 x 24)
Sale price$1,950.00 USD
Heritage - Le Professeur (18.5 x 15.5)
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Heritage - The Cavalry by Raymond Debieve (15 x 10)
Sold out
Heritage - Dog with Blue by Raymond Debieve (10.5 x 8.25)
Nancy Franke - Anticipation (16 x 12)
Nancy Franke - Anticipation (16 x 12)
Sale price$1,950.00 USD
Nancy Franke - Here Comes the Sun (16 x 16)
Pascal Bouterin - En Blanc (26 x 20)
Pascal Bouterin - En Blanc (26 x 20)
Sale price$1,950.00 USD
Pascal Bouterin - Marche en Provence (19.5 x 16)
Heritage - 1950s Still Life with Green Vessel by Regner (28 x 22)
Heritage - Superposition XLIV by Kamiya (10 x 9)