When my sister graduated from Connecticut College many years ago, there was a beautiful formal portrait of her, elegantly dressed, wearing pearls and lovely earrings. I remember my mother was quite pleased to have this one formal portrait because my sister was never one to dress up; little did she know that Lucie was actually wearing cutoff shorts and sneakers from the waist down!
Welcome to the metaphor of Zoom, the socializing platform that has replaced our hugs and kisses, and lets us dress up ... from the waist up, that is.
We've missed our staff terribly at Huff Harrington but we've been thrilled to stay connected and see them on our Zoom calls. In the process, what we've learned is that on Zoom, it’s all about the angle, the lighting, the background … but most importantly, the face!
Interestingly, we've noticed an uptick in jewelry sales in the last few weeks and it hit us: What better way to dress up that Zoom face than to wear a fabulous piece of jewelry? (Nobody will know if you’re wearing pajama bottoms too!) Just ask Mackenzie, who wowed us all with her earring selection!
We're thinking there will be a lot of Zoom calls this Mother's Day ... and maybe another rush on jewelry! So we've asked Allison, our jewelry buyer extraordinaire for some of her favorite "Zoom picks" for Mother's Day, including brand new earrings and necklaces from our collection of designers.
Here are Allison's Zoom picks:

Coral Necklace with gunmetal chain
So if you're planning a Zoom call with your Mother for Mother's Day, you can dress up in your pajama's ... from the waist up. But as much as we'd love to sell you our great assortment of jewelry, we know that this year more than ever, your Mother will be so happy to hear from you no matter what you're wearing. Stay safe, be well and Happy Mother's Day!
Ta ta,
P.S. Stay tuned for a little announcement in the next day or so about our plans to re-open the store and gallery.