We get so many questions, on a daily basis, about how to hang art. What's too high, too low, too small or too tall? What are the rules for hanging over the sofa, grouping multiple paintings together and where to hang the art? Here's a list of tips we've put together to make the task easier and fun.
Regarding the "rules" of hanging art, the short answer is there are some - and the good news is: you don’t have to follow them! We prefer to look at them as quiet little guidelines that will help you hang your paintings confidently so they can look gorgeous on your walls.
Most important is to have fun with your art: re-arrange it frequently to keep it fresh – and enjoy it. Just grab your hammer and nails, follow a couple of our guidelines, and happy hanging!
The eyes have it: Always hang at eye level and avoid hanging too high. You can use 60″ as the average level but just go with what feels right And when hanging over a couch, dresser or piece of furniture, don’t hang it too high – usually 3 to 6 inches will do.
A lively abstract from Lisa Zager hanging at eye level over a black-painted enfilade.
See and be seen: Buy your art because you’re madly in love with and hang it where you can feast your eyes on it each and every day. One of our favorite spots to hang art is in the kitchen, since it's where we all spend most of our time.
Have fun with your collections: Walls don't have to be just for art. We love to mix art with mirrors, barometers, sconces and architectural elements, just like we love contemporary frames with crunchy traditional ones.
A gallery wall we did at the Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles 2018 Cashiers Designer Showhouse.
Gallery Walls: A great way to pack a punch. Arrange your paintings for the maximum wow effect. We’re crazy about art walls – and they’re not as scary to hang as they seem if you start by arranging them on the floor first or creating a grid with craft paper.
If you’re doing a gallery wall, keep in mind that there needs to be a unifying factor: similar frames, similar subject matters, palette or media.
A long foyer was the perfect backdrop for a gallery wall at the 2018 Cashiers Designer Showhouse.
Think outside the wall: you can lean, prop and stand your paintings all over the house. Pay attention to overlooked spaces, too — corners and over doorways and archways are prime decorating spots.
Take it to the table: small pictures don’t need to be on a wall; try an easel or bookshelf.
Same kind of different: as long as there’s something unifying the grouping (here it’s the touches of black) you can hang whatever you like. It doesn’t have to match – and it’s better if it doesn’t.
Go with the flow: Don’t let the room dictate what you love: work with architectural features, not against them.
Let your personality shine: Art is individualistic and subjective. Sometimes, you just need to follow your gut and take a chance with your hanging technique.
We love the adventure of hanging art – and nothing makes us feel better than knowing that the nail is in the right spot, the painting’s at the right height and we can step back and enjoy the a-ha moment. Have fun with this and happy hanging.
Ta ta!