Just Landed: A New Container of French Goodies

Just Landed: A New Container of French Goodies

OUR NEW WEBSITE - FROM PARIS! Reading Just Landed: A New Container of French Goodies 2 minutes Next Huff Harrington at Foxglove Antiques

There's never a dull moment around here, especially when one a 40-foot container arrives at the warehouse.  Luckily, we have it down to a science thanks to our wonderful inventory manager, Marlon, who makes the 200 or so boxes and crates magically unpack themselves.  It's so much fun seeing the treasures we sourced in Paris and around France - it's a little bit like Christmas.

Our buying trips go one hundred miles an hour, include about 500 kilometers of driving (Meg drives, Ann navigates) three or four different hotels, lunches on the go and zillions of iPhone pictures. And we wouldn't trade one minute of it.

From tastefully displayed objets to mirrors, chests and chairs literally stacked in piles in a warehouse, we keep our heads on swivels and our eyes peeled for all the treasures.

We fell in love with this spectacular Louis XV chest which is, as they say, "dans son jus," which basically means it's oozing well-preserved character and patina.  Here's its beauty shot back in Atlanta:

Fabulous green worn jugs and pots from Sadirac.

And there was no way we could resist these adorable and happy ceramic pineapples from the 1950s. Oui, s'il vous plait!

Petit dejeuner on the run.

The sweetest walnut wine-tasting table.

And who can resist a green velvet, gilded faux bamboo ottoman? Not us!

We are also slightly obsessed with French dogs, like this one staying warm in its little fuzzy bed.

These goodies, and lots more (except for the dog), are right here online, at Huff Harrington (at the Galleries, right next to ADAC) or in our booth at Foxgloves. Happy hunting!







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