It’s Secret Santa time at HHH, which means that we are all sneakily lurking around our chosen recipients to figure out what they have their eye on for the Huff’ington Super Secret Santa list. We try to read clues, like, “Did Barb just rave about that new pitcher?” or “Have you noticed Alex sniffing around the Belgian soaps?” Some of us drop shameless hints, like: “You can never have too many coffee table books!” while others are much more subtle in their approach. Everything is shrouded in secrecy and mystery until the much anticipated final reveal at our holiday party.

But before we can party, we have another important tradition to observe. One by one, each Huff’ington is summarily summoned with a stern voice to the “Principal’s Office” under the guise of severe punishment. With doors closed, an “unexpectedly” pleasant conversation ensues and a giant, heartfelt thank you is conveyed. From there, when a Huff’ington emerges from the office, they’re all smiles – and so are we! We do this silly routine every year with every employee in the hopes that someone will still fall for the scary punishment thing – which of course they never do!
At 6 p.m., we close up shop and head to the gallery where Linda, Mac and Debbie have decorated long festive tables with our best silver finery and accouterments, while our wonderful long-time helper Demaris welcomes us with glasses of bubbles and a warm hug.
After the feast, during which we’ve regaled ourselves with funny stories that happened during the year, we retire to “Mac’s room” at the gallery, which is kiddingly referred to as the most beautiful room in the gallery since Mackenzie somehow manages to corral all her favorite paintings there. Last year, Andrea Costa’s magnificent 80 x 90 painting “Still Waiting” served as the backdrop for our spontaneous photo shoot:

So the big question is, who will get what and will they be able to guess who their Secret Santa is? With a strict budget to adhere to, here are some of the top contenders this year:

Sadly, I have to beg my Secret Santa not to give me any of this Enstrom Toffee. Anyone who is familiar with this brand, out of Colorado, knows that it is the most delicious toffee ever made and unfortunately I’m completely addicted. I can’t even walk by the front desk anymore because I’m afraid I’ll eat up the samples!
Packed with tradition and loaded with love, Christmas with the Huff’ingtons is our favorite day of the year: One on which we hope to convey our heartfelt gratitude for this amazing, dedicated, hard working and all around superstar staff that we work with every day. And although this may sound like a backhanded compliment, without you — our dear clients, who support the store and the gallery every day — there would be no Huff’ington Christmas. So first and foremost, we all thank you — for our Secret Santa and much much more.
Ta ta,
1 comment
Catherine Bennett
Merry Christmas to all and to Miss Coco!
Merry Christmas to all and to Miss Coco!